Story of Veganita...

We place great store on making seasional food creations. We pay great attention while purchasing our ingredients. We prefer local farmers markets and products from ecologically clean environments. You can find further information about this topic at "Our Cuisine" page.
Well, in fact, it is no secret that our intention is to defeat the idea that the vegan diet can only be boring, flavorless and you can't have a good filling meal.
Try us! and we will provide you with a variety of tasty and nutritious meals, saving you time and effort while helping you keeping your health-concious lifestyle easier.
We can agree that the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle is becoming more and more popular worldwide. But even amongst those who normally eat meat the number of people who decided to eat plant based diet for 1-2 days a week are increasing. There are a lot of people who just don't always desire meals with meat. They rather want to eat more easily digestable and light dishes.
Inspired by this, Veganita's idea was born. Every week we would like to deliver you with vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free meals to your table. This way ensuring our customers that even after a busy day at work they can have more time for themselfs and their loves ones while staying healthy and eating fresh and tasty meals.

According to an ancient Ayurvedic proverb
"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need."